Wednesday, November 18, 2015

A pregnant woman in labor continues taking her online college exam even while contractions were three minutes apart.

I once took a 5-minute pop quiz with a paper cut holding me back. Hurt like no one's business for a solid minute, I tell you, but I soldiered on in the name of education like a champ.

Which is really to say I'm pathetic. Tommitrise Collins was told she could only take a psychology exam on one given day. Timing being what it is, her soon-to-be newborn had other plans, so Collins marched forth, taking the exam from her hospital bed. Her sister, Shanell Brinkley-Chapman, posted this photo to Facebook showing Collins doing double-duty:

The Middle Georgia State University (which goes by the acronym MGA, throwing everyone off) student was told this would be the only chance to take the test. So a big shout-out to MGA for setting back equal rights for women by a hundred years! Good to see that those good ol' 19th century values still exist somewhere in America. Wouldn't want to advance them too quickly now!

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