Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Japanese and Chinese government officials bring up Voldemort in political flap.

He-who-shall-not-be-named is being named all the time in a political flap between rivals Japan and China.

Voldemort, the nemesis of Harry Potter, has had his name invoked twice after Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's visited Tokyo's Yasukuni Shrine, where convicted war criminals are honored along with other war dead from World War II. Considering Japan and China were enemies during that war, Chinese officials weren't pleased.

"If militarism is like the haunting Voldemort of Japan, the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo is a kind of horcrux, representing the darkest parts of that nation's soul," wrote China's ambassador to the U.K., Liu Xiaoming, channeling his inner 12-year old boy.

Going tit-for-tat, Japan's ambassador to the U.K., Keiichi Hayashi, matched the nerdgasm political tone.

"There are two paths open to China. One is to seek dialogue, and abide by the rule of law. The other is to play the role of Voldemort in the region by letting loose the evil of an arms race and escalation of tensions," wrote Hayashi.

Of course, all of this is ridiculous unless someone references Dumbledore.

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