Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Retired ethics professor and pastor busted for sex notes in port-o-potties.

The Rev. Bryant Badger, a former adjunct professor at Casper College in Wyoming, was charged with public indecency, obscene literature, and incitement to a crime after allegedly leaving notes inside a port-a-potty of the hubba-hubba variety.

Being so very helpful with his sexytime propositions, Badger left his phone number where he could be contacted.

Police arrested the former professor after he agreed to meet up, where officers claim Badger got into the backseat of his SUV with an undercover cop and, after some small talk, removed his pants.

According to the Standard-Examiner, a newspaper from Ogden, UT, Badger blamed his high sex drive for his behavior and apologized after being taken into custody.

Ethically, everyone knows it's bad form to leave those sorts of notes in port-o-potties. That's what Craigslist is for.

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