Thursday, October 4, 2012

Boston area bakery makes cookie résumés.

Cakes4Occasions knows that the economy has been tough for half a decade now, especially for college students, so they're looking to give you a leg up on the competition out there on the job market.

And what better way to tell people you mean business than with a sugar cookie detailing your proficiency with the Microsoft Office Suite.

Because if you can't win over a prospective employer with your credentials, win them over with butter-based products.

According to Cakes4Occasions:
We all know that in a tough economy jobseekers are looking for unique ways to cut through the clutter and get noticed. If you're among the many jobseekers out there than you know it's "crunch time". Lucky for you, we have a solution!

Than/Then...British grammar/American grammar, what's the dif? We'll ignore their snafus.

Let's look at a prospective cookie résumé:

When in the interview process do you hand this over to a potential employer? Does security escort you from the building, or do the police get called?

I do like the sprinkles though. That's a nice touch. Sprinkles make everything better.

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