Thursday, October 4, 2012

Scottish man dies, killing off an English dialect in the process.

Bobby Hogg isn't the name of a befuddled criminal mastermind from The Dukes of Hazard. Close, but no.

Instead, Bobby Hogg was an elderly Scottish gentleman of 92 years who was the last known speaker of a dialect of English called Cromarty. And being the last known speaker means two things die when you do--in this case, Mr. Hogg and the dialect of Cromarty.

According to the Associated Press, the dialect requires us fellow English speakers to pay attention closely.

Example? "Hiv thoo a roosky sazpence i thi pooch?" is Cromarty for "Can you lend me some money?"

Anyone who has visited Scotland now realizes the whole region speaks in the Cromarty dialect, so I don't know what the fuss is about. Linguists just need a Netflix account. I'm pretty certain everyone spoke Cromarty in Trainspotting.

photo: AP

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