Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Taylor Swift gives the shaft to a school of deaf kids.

For weeks now, Taylor Swift has been holding a contest among schools--all schools--for her to hold a concert.

During the entire duration of the contest, the Horace Mann School for the Deaf led in total votes. Sure, this was largely created out of a groundswell of funny-ha-ha people at Reddit and 4Chan. But a contest is a contest, and the Horace Mann School won the contest going away. Even the principal at Horace Mann said he was happy to have Taylor visit and play a concert at his school.

Well, Taylor doesn't find it funny, nor does she like deaf children apparently, because she's shafting the Horace Mann School and visiting the runner-up school, Harvey Mudd College.

Mind you, the rules don't state where the votes must come from. Nowhere does it say the votes must come from the school itself. Hence, this is where the groundswell for Horace Mann comes in.

Oh, don't worry though--Taylor sees a PR nightmare way before you do, so she's donating $50,000 cash and $10,000 in musical instruments to the Horace Mann School in hopes you don't hate her for ignoring special needs kids.

$10,000 in musical instruments to deaf kids. That's like giving blind people an array of Rembrandts to look at and claiming you're dedicated to those with a lack of sight.

Oh, in case you're wondering how fair Harvey Mudd College's voting was--the school has 771 full-time students, yet somehow generated tens of thousands of votes that were all on the up-and-up according to Swift's management team. Riiiiight.

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