Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The New Yorker's profile of J.K. Rowling subtly suggests her new book isn't for your kindergartner.

The New Yorker's latest issue has a ten page profile on everything J.K Rowling, which would be amazingly interesting if J.K Rowling were amazingly interesting. She's not, so feel free to skip most of the profile.

But The New Yorker does publish a few tiny snippets of of Rowling's newest novel, the fairly adult The Casual Vacancy. There isn't a bevy of plot details to go around, but it's decidedly un-Harry Potter-esque, with passages like...

"...that miraculously unguarded vagina..."

"The leathery skin of her upper cleavage radiated little cracks that no longer vanished when decompressed."

"...with an ache in his heart and in his balls."

Somehow or another, I keep picturing Dumbledore involved in all of these quotes.

photo: The Guardian

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