Thursday, May 3, 2012

Edvard Munch is world's most expensive painter, part-time poet.

"The Scream"--Edvard Munch's crayon drawing from 1895--sold at auction yesterday for the highest price ever publicly paid at auction for a piece of art: $119.9 million.

The drawing, seen here, is widely known. It's also one of four interpretations of "The Scream," and the only version held in private hands. (The other three are in Norwegian museums.)

But unlike most paintings, Munch had a poem inspired by/inspiring the painting, which he wrote in the edges of the frame of the painting:

I was walking along the road with two friends. The Sun was setting –
The Sky turned a bloody red
And I felt a whiff of Melancholy – I stood
Still, deathly tired – over the blue-black
Fjord and City hung Blood and Tongues of Fire
My Friends walked on – I remained behind
– shivering with Anxiety – I felt the great Scream in Nature

Sounds like a blend between Emily Dickinson and Sarah McLachlan. Put a couple of sad looking cats and dogs in a montage, and we've got ourselves an ASPCA commercial.

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