Saturday, February 13, 2016

Oral Roberts University says it isn't interested in their students' sex lives.

That's kind of a lie. Oral Roberts University is addicted to knowing about their students' sex lives. As noted here in 2011, ORU's Honor Code goes into intricate detail about what is and isn't acceptable in their students' ongoings, including drugs, alcohol, and sexual behavior.

Specifically, part five of the Honor Code touches on the pledge regarding sex, leaving us with this nugget:

"I will not engage in or attempt to engage in any illicit, unscriptural sexual acts, which include any homosexual activity and sexual intercourse with one who is not my spouse through traditional marriage of one man and one woman."

Does the Bible have many scriptural sex acts detailed though? Or are the illicit variety of sexual acts allowed only if they're scriptural? Why has this flown under the radar for thousands of years? WHAT BOOK IN THE BIBLE SHOULD I READ??

Regardless, ORU also requires a physical component to their college education, dictating that students meet certain fitness goals or risk never graduating. This has led the university to institute a policy requiring every student to use a Fitbit fitness tracker to monitor progress. Yes, the same Fitbit that was once known to monitor a user's sexual activity.

School officials have been quick to point out that there is no voyeuristic angle to requiring the student Fitbit use. They have no care to analyze their students' sexual behaviors, they claim.

Except when they do.

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