Monday, March 8, 2010

47 was always my favorite number anyway.

Are you an English major who has found that the quality of vitriol aimed at your major/degree of choice isn't as creative and passionate as you hoped? Have you looked with envy at the Norwegian Art History majors and the ridicule they receive and wondered, "What do I have to do to receive such mocking sarcasm from the outside world?" has heard your cries. They offer facts so that you, too, can feel the bitter sting of sarcasm over your educational track of choice. No longer shall the Hospitality and Tourism majors get all the scorn from their friends and family. Now you can point to some statistics to drive home the message that, yes, indeed, you look forward to a life of financial peril.

Payscale releases an annual report that ranks the starting and mid-career salaries for (not really) every major. And, as you can see from this top-ten list, your affinity for the written word is going to pay off huge.

Annual pay for Bachelors graduates without higher degrees. Typical starting graduates have 2 years of experience; mid-career have 15 years. See full methodology for more.

Of course, that is if the written word you have an affinity for is "engineering." You know that kid who aced the long division test in third grade while you squeaked by? He's making $50k+ the second he gets a diploma.

So what of our English major brethren? Well, a not-so-quick scanning of the Payscale list says we come in at a cool #47, right behind Radio and Television majors, and a bit ahead of Forestry majors. You heard right: Smoky the Bear not only helps prevent forest fires, he also prevents you retiring before the age of 80.

As for popular jobs for an English major:

careers for english majorscareers for english majors
Jobs ranked by popularity among graduates. Annual pay for Bachelors graduates without higher degrees from all colleges.  See full methodology for more.

That list looked okay until Retail Store Manager came up. Those dreams of someday being the second shift store manager at Lane Bryant just got a little closer to reality, friends. Admittedly, the list does continue after the top ten to mention writing and editing jobs. That's not to say those Lane Bryant dreams need to be put on hold. If there's anything I'm here for, it's to tell you to strive for what you believe in. I just happen to believe that Lane Bryant makes fashionable plus-sized clothing for today's modern woman.

Not all is bad news: Payscale ranks the best schools by region for making money once you graduate. In the Northeast Region, Fitchburg State College ranks 150th. That would sound rather humiliating, except we're only the third state college out of Massachusetts to crack the list. Put another way: we might not be the homecoming queen, but at least we got invited to the prom.

In the end, you're an English major because you're quirky and like to read/write. And maybe--just maybe--you want to wake up every day not hating your job like some of those engineering majors might. Still depressed? Here's the chart for top ten jobs for a History major:

jobs for history majorsjobs for history majors
Jobs ranked by popularity among graduates. Annual pay for Bachelors graduates without higher degrees from all colleges.  See full methodology for more.

That's right. History major graduates might be aiming too high for that Retail Manager job you just snagged as an English major. Hey, someone needs to get you coffee. Plus, you stand a better than 50/50 shot that they'll understand your Shakespeare references during your lunch break.

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