Monday, April 17, 2017

GQ writer offers tips on how to read at least one book every week.

Motoring through another book. And world domination.

Kevin Nguyen is a renaissance man of sorts, writing for GQ about books, video games, Wrestlemania, Drake's music, and shilling $130 trash cans sold through Amazon.* He's like that annoying friend you have that has 679 Yelp reviews to their name, including visits to CVS and the local 7/11.

Nguyen's latest article is about how anyone can read at least one book a week.

His obvious hot tips?

Uhh, to squeeze in reading whenever and wherever.


1.) Read during your train commute to work!

"A half-hour commute can easily turn into five hours of dedicated reading time every week..."

Wait--the math--an hour a day round trip--times five--oh, the math is hard...

2.) Read on your phone while using the bathroom!

"...[Read in] the bathroom because you drank too much coffee. Those pages add up fast."

Just think how all that caffeine and a loose bladder will lead to speed reading!

3.) Stop reading books you don't like!

"...[I]f it’s going to be another four or five painful hours to finish it, you can afford to put it down."

So, wait, wait, wait--I have free will?

4.) Try the library!

"Free shit rules."

Which is what I also say to myself when I dumpster dive and play Freddy Fast Fingers at friends' homes.

5.) Multitask and read during commercial breaks during your favorite show!

"Watching live TV? Just sneak in a little reading."

Which works perfectly when you're watching a commercial-free show live, like 'Game of Thrones' or 'Downton Abbey'.

6.) Read when you wake up, not before bed!

"Even if you’re not an early riser, use the time you spend checking Instagram in bed to read a couple chapters."

But Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, Imgur, Linkedn, Google Plus, and Reddit called dibs, I guess.


I'm sure Nguyen means well, or just wants to fill a weekly quota for stories posted on the GQ website. One or the other.

My tip to you?

Read because you want to. Read because you need to. Read because it is you.

*Regarding the $130 trash can, Nguyen writes, "I know what you’re thinking: $130 for a trash can?! I get it—that’s expensive! But it's a quiet life upgrade that’ll change your relationship to the kitchen."

No, $130 of delicious, fattening food is the quiet life upgrade that will change my relationship to the kitchen.

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