Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Does this mean Captain Kirk serenades Hermione Granger?

This is what happens when worlds collide.

This is a video of Leonard Nimoy (Spock, of the original Star Trek series) singing. Specifically, singing a song about Bilbo Baggins. Yes, that Bilbo Baggins. The hobbit.

I'm not sure what's going on here. We've got Spock (sans ears) rocking out while a bunch of women do their best impersonation of Beach Blanket Bingo. And the women are wearing some sort of Vulcan/Hobbit ears while they bust a move on the beach--again, to a song about Bilbo Baggins. And everyone seems to be head-butting everyone else at some point for no apparent reason. If it made any less sense we'd all be committed to a psych ward.

My best explanation? It was the '60's. That explains everything.

Really, how often are there songs about literary characters? More importantly, how long must I wait for the Uhura tribute album to the Twilight books?

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