Thursday, March 12, 2009

Where to start?

Quotes are always a good way to start off something new. You grab a quote by someone more famous than yourself and use their words to make your point. English majors love using quotes for multiple reasons. Quotes sound deep. Quotes sound profound. They're a lifetime's worth of wisdom in one tidy sentence. But English majors also love them because they're lazy. I should know, because I was one.
Starting essays off with a quote by someone more famous than myself was my bread and butter. Staring at a blank Microsoft Word document for 45 minutes usually didn't inspire me, but grabbing a quote by Oscar Wilde always helped, if only to put ink on the page.

Ahhh, we won't start this blog off with a quote though. This is a blog, not an essay. It's the trashy cousin to the elegant essay. This blog is meant to be a venue for English majors past and present from Fitchburg State College to let their mind mosey and meander, all without fear of being graded or worrying about grammar.

In short, this is an English department after all. That includes writing. Lo and behold, blogs require writing. What you get is a match made in literary heaven. We have literary journals and school newspapers already, so why not a blog?'s a blog. Will we mock ourselves? Yes. Will we mock famous writers? Yes. (And then we'll wonder why they won't visit our campus.) Will we take oursevles seriously? No. It's a blog, not a Leo Tolstoy epic. It'll be random and irreverant and quirky. And hopefully it won't been shut down in two weeks.

So, enjoy. Even if we didn't start this off with a quote, it promises to be good. Or at least marginal. Or at least capable of distracting you for two minutes. And that's a start.

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