Monday, July 4, 2016

Library cat is rehired by Texas town after initially being fired.

In a shocking twist, Browser realizes he's illiterate.

After six years of dutifully performing his job as the local library's mascot and resident mouse hunter, Browser the cat was fired by the city council of White Settlement, Texas, by a vote of 2-1 in a scandal that nearly brought the fundamentals of American government grinding to a halt.

Initially, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported the news:

"Declaring that 'City Hall and city businesses are no place for animals,' Councilman Elzie Clements led what Browser's fans call a sneak attack ..."

Clements called for the council vote. Admittedly, Browser has a shoddy work ethic. Described by the library as an "ornery kitten" when they first found him, The Dallas Morning News said that Browser "spends a good deal of time napping, lounging and sneaking out the door." Typical government employee shenanigans!

Yet, White Settlement mayor, Ron White, says he believed the vote developed after a city worker was denied bringing their puppy to city hall.

Considering how America as a nation doesn't trust Texas to be left alone with itself, petitions were created to stop Browser the cat from being fired. Over 1,000 messages from around the globe poured into the small town, asking to keep the library layabout on the job.

The city council blinked. By a unanimous vote, Browser was told he won't get a pink slip.

When reached for comment, Browser yawned and dozed back off to sleep (probably).

Photo: AP, via The Daily Mail

If you're sitting there wondering if the name "White Settlement" is as racist-y as it sounds, you'd be correct! It turns out there used to be two settlements nearby one another--one of white people and one of Native Americans. Being Texas, the welcoming white people decided to formerly name themselves the blatantly obvious and officially call their community White Settlement so no one would ever mistake them as otherwise. The city was incorporated in 1941. By 2005, a proposal was brought forth to change the name to West Settlement. You know, because it's the 21st century and whatnot. And in a city-wide vote, the proposal was voted down 2388 to 219, proving once and for all that Texas has its fingers on the pulse of the 1820s.

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