Thursday, March 10, 2016

Western Washington University students want to create the College of Power and Liberation.

"Haha, okay, that's cute."

Over 500 students and individuals at Western Washington University have signed a petition demanding their school spend $100,000 creating a new college within the system. You know, because $100,000 is a nice, round figure, and you can demand anything you want for nice, round figures. James Bond movies teach us that.

Channeling their inner Che Guevara, the students want the "College of Power and Liberation" to be created so the university will start "providing space and resources to learn alternate histories, supporting student’s non academic work, emotional and intellectual labor that is not about publishing or service to the institution, providing often unrecognized trainings, workshops, and/or interventions on behalf of students."

I'm not certain what emotional labor is, but it sounds intense.

Using over 3,300 words to explain their demands, and eschewing Guevara, the students want $50,000 of that money to be devoted to "to put on an opening event that will introduce the College and its mission."

It sounds like a mission to throw one hell of a party. Who doesn't love $50,000 galas? Priorities, people!

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