Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Florida governor suggests Yale University should leave Connecticut for--yes--Florida.

Gov. Scott just daydreamed of Yale.

First:  It's Florida.

Second:  It's a politician.

Third:  It's Yale, so we shouldn't really care.

Florida governor--and all around good time to have a laugh at--Rick Scott decided to offer a press release in the wake of news that the state of Connecticut is debating whether to tax the profits on Yale's $26 billion endowment, which gained a $2.6 billion return last year.

Obviously, a 315-year old university long established in one spot in this country might pick up and move on a whim--so you have to strike while there's momentum, Rick Scott!

"With news that the Connecticut Legislature wants to unfairly tax one of the nation’s most renowned universities to deal with the state’s budget shortfall, it is clear that all businesses in Connecticut, including Yale, should look to move to Florida," said a press release from Scott's office.

Exactly. I mean, what's holding Oxford back while we're at it? England? Time to pick up and head to Florida, too. But as long as it's ALL Connecticut businesses the governor wants, so ESPN can lead the caravan out of Bristol and pick up Yale on the way down.

What else, Governor?

"We would welcome a world-renowned university like Yale to our state and I can commit that we will not raise taxes on their endowment. This would add yet another great university to our state," he continued.

Oh, you could nearly squeeze his cheeks, he's so adorable with his innocence! There's really only one university worth noting in Florida, that being the University of Miami, which is what Scott must be referencing. After that you're playing with alchemy if you venture to Florida State or the University of Florida, as there's more silver than gold there.

Case in point, as the New York Post notes, Florida State ranked number three on Playboy's best party schools.

It's exactly like Yale if Yale forgot the whole 'education' angle.

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