Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Famous Writers Shritless: Anaïs Nin

Writers are never known as the studliest or sexiest of people, but that doesn't stop them from showing some skin for the camera once in awhile.

So, occasionally we'll post some literary beefcake for your perusal.

Today:  Anaïs Nin

I think we all can agree that making sand castles is an underrated nugget in life.

Here we see Anaïs Nin has the face of someone who has built her sand castle too close to the waves. Remember to create a moat, people! There's no insurance available for the flooding of your beautiful sand castle.

Don't forget that when bronzing in the hot summer sun that some subtle tropical flowers in your hair will really drive the point home to people that you're on vacation and they--hahaha!--are not.

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