Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Chewbacca proves it once and for all: Han shot first.

The great debate amongst Star Wars geeks that makes them asthmatic with excitement is whether Han Solo shot the alien smuggler Greedo first in the Mos Eisley cantina, or if Greedo was actually the bad guy.

The original 1977 movie seemingly showed Han gunning down Greedo first. Fast forward to the 1997 re-release of the franchise, when George Lucas played around with the film, added scenes and special effects, and suddenly Greedo was the bad guy initially firing.

Today, it's been settled. Peter Mayhew, the actor who has played Chewbacca and Han's loyal sidekick in seven movies for the franchise, released photos of the original Star Wars script on Twitter today (or as the script was once called, The Adventures of Luke Skywalker as taken From the 'Journal of the Whills').

The result? Han is a murderer.

Forget Han being the killer here. The real news is that Greedo's original name was Allen.


That's an insurance adjuster from Schenectady, NY, with a penchant for sensible shoes and midsized Toyotas. Not an alien smuggler from a galaxy far, far away.

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