Thursday, November 7, 2013

In a moment of need, NYU student who was stuck between buildings thought of a James Franco movie.

NYU student Asher Vongtau spent 36hrs wedged between two buildings after falling off his dorm's roof before, finally, school security found him stuck in an incredibly tight space. In a surprise to no one, alcohol was involved before falling.

Vongtau's mother tells DNAinfo New York that her son remembered James Franco's movie 127 Hours--the true story of a climber stuck under a desert boulder who cut off his arm to free himself. "He thought, 'Am I gonna have to do that?'" said Habiba Vongtau .

Not unless he planned on slicing and dicing up limbs and torso, as Vongtau's entire body was stuck. That small fact, plus the tiny matter that most underage drunken college students don't equip themselves with utility knives like desert mountain climbers--but, hey, minor points.

Realizing the grim fate that awaited him while encouraged by the industrious cinematic spirit of James Franco, Vongtau yelled for help. Eventually rescued, he's now recuperating from a fractured skull, pelvis, and arm.

This is a great reminder for everyone. When life has you down, fondly remember an appropriate James Franco movie. Like whenever I'm having trouble with my superhero powers I think of Franco as The Green Goblin, and then I don't feel so bad.

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