Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Kentucky high school cross country runner quits race on account her assigned bib number was 666.

Satan moves in mysterious ways, and that apparently includes within rural Kentucky regional high school races.

Codie Thacker, a Whitley County High School junior, was to represent her school in a regional cross country race--that is until the bib number assigned to her was 666.

According to local TV station WLEX 18, Thacker refused to run unless her number was changed.

"I didn't want to risk my relationship with God and try to take that number," she said, knowing full well God only appreciates non-repetitive numbers.

Thacker and her coach asked race representatives to change the number, but were refused. Race officials claim Thacker never claimed it was over religious reasons--otherwise, officials say, they would have bowed to her demands.

Of course, does 666 actually refer to Satan? No, probably not. It likely refers to Nero, that sweetheart of the Roman Empire--but why quibble?

It's more fun when we pretend Satan has a vested interest in high school athletics.

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