Friday, November 8, 2013

Idaho high school teacher/coach fired for "immoral" photo posted on Facebook.

Admittedly, he doesn't look like he's wearing any sunscreen and he's groping a woman...

No, wait--the woman in the photo was fired? Sigh.

Laraine Cook, a substitute teacher and coach at Pocatello High School in Idaho was fired recently after she posted this photo from a recent vacation with her fiance, Tom Harrison, on her personal Facebook account. Harrison, also a coach at Pocatello High School, was not terminated.

District rules state that anything obscene or immoral is a fireable offense, which the high school believes this photo falls under, according to Cook. Harrison kept his job because he didn't post the photo on his own account, a distinction the school district makes. Because of her firing, Cook is now ineligible to work anywhere within the district, thus ending any chance of teaching somewhere remotely local. She has retained a lawyer and intends to fight her dismissal.

There's no word on whether the photo-bomber in the background has lost their own job for creepy eyes.

photo: LarryBrownSports

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