Sunday, April 7, 2013

Maine rebranded its lottery scratch tickets as 'Kwikies.' Then everyone became perverted, and Maine un-rebranded their lottery tickets as 'Kwikies.'

Scratch tickets--you know, those little bits of lottery hope because you desperately lack a sensible plan for retirement?--were being rebranded as 'Kwikies' by the Maine state lottery.

The word 'Kwikie' was causing a hullabaloo with local stores that distribute the scratch tickets. As David Welch, owner of the Village Market in Fairfield, ME, told the Bangor Daily News, "That's going to be real uncomfortable for my girls behind the register to have guys come in and say, 'Hey, give me a Kwikie.'" (Because calling your female employees 'girls' shows you're a forward thinker.)

But the furor was quick and fleeting. Maine lottery officials backed off. According to the lottery director, Gerry Reid, "[A]fter a larger sampling of retailers and consumers, the negative concerns were clear."

And with that, Maine immediately reverted back to being the Idaho of the northeast.

The original reference to 'kwikie' would be, obviously, 'quickie'--which was first seen in a Los Angeles Times story in 1926 referencing movie production in Hollywood that was efficient and, well, quick.

All that other 'quickie' stuff you're thinking about? Yeah, that's all you. You and the perverts of Maine.

photo: Maine Lottery promo photo for the Kwikie.

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