Tuesday, January 8, 2013

You can now read the Dead Sea Scrolls online.

Should you be interested in a little light reading, the Dead Sea Scrolls are available for your online perusal with all new photography.

Nine hundred manuscripts from the scrolls are now meticulously photographed through a partnership between the Israel Antiquities Authority and Google. Five thousand fragments make up those nine hundred manuscripts, including most of the Hebrew Bible, the Book of Genesis, and the Ten Commandments.

NASA technology helped matters with photographing over one thousand of the fragments through new technology not previously available. As photographer Shai Halevi explained the process to CNN, “We took the pictures over there with all the colors, different light length, then we're getting all the exposures on the screen, and I'm combining them all into one multispectral image. And now secret writings are going to be revealed with the infrared image."

Secret writings.

Because everyone 2,000 years ago was secretly looking to communicate with the future in code.

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