Wednesday, January 9, 2013

70-year old teacher reads all the lyrics to a 50 Cent song.

A video is making the rounds on the interwebs of a 70-year old teacher reading the lyrics to rapper 50 Cent's song "P.I.M.P." As the title suggests, it's a charming song about enjoying the physical company of attractive young women after a lovely evening visiting local watering holes while imbibing in some after-dinner drinks of an uncertain alcohol content.

Except this is 50 Cent. He doesn't write subtly. If a word doesn't have the verbal equivalent of a stick of dynamite attached to it to offend someone's gender, race, or creed, he isn't trying.

Which makes it all the more interesting to see a 70-year old teacher recite his lyrics during a lesson:

WARNING: Again, some naughty, tsk-tsk, hide your ears, racially and gender insensitive language lies ahead. Don't yell at me for 50 Cent's verbage.

We don't know the backstory to why a 70-year old teacher is reading his lyrics. The video cuts out just as the lesson is about to start--but it's clearly an English class, poetry most likely, and the 70-year old teacher this close to popping a bottle full of bub.

Once, when I was a wee undergraduate in college, a 75-year old professor had us examine Bruce Springsteen's lyrics for poetic quality.

His judgment on the Boss? "He's a shitty writer."

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