Monday, December 10, 2012

The Nobel Prize banquet menu seems fancy.

Every year, the Nobel Prize folks hold a banquet for those bestowed with an award for that given year--and tonight is that night for 2012. Here's where the Nobel Prize winner in physics-meets-the-winner-in-literature-meets-the-winner-in-chemistry-meets-the-winner-in-medicine-etc.-etc.-etc., while the Swedish royal family kills everyone's mellow by inviting 1,300 of their closest friends and acquaintances.

Because the Swedes are a bunch of foodies, an entire listing of menus for each annual banquet is posted online. Everyone in attendance receives the same meal--this isn't someone's wedding where you choose between the chicken or the fish--but there's usually a variety of wines available to keep everyone feeling quite nice as the evening unwinds.

Some of the menu items from decades past are obscure and/or Swedish-y. Nonetheless, here's a look at some select menus on years where various literary types won their own Nobel Prize (translated at points):

Someone looks disappointed.

1907 Winner:
Rudyard Kipling

Nothing. The banquet was cancelled because of King Oscar II's death a few days earlier.



Has eaten worse things than turtle soup.
1925 Winner:
George Bernard Shaw

Turtle Soup

Supreme Perch Mornay

Nice Turkey    (Ed.: Better than Okay Turkey.)
Artichoke Princess

Parfait Nelusko
Petits Fours



Various wines


Damn well wants to know what Ice in the Oven is before he eats it.

1936 Winner:

Eugene O'Neill

Turtle Soup

Sole Fillets

Supreme Grouse à la Florida

Waldorf Salad

Ice in the Oven   (Ed.: Eh?)

Assorted Fruits


Various wines


Concerned he just ate Prancer.
1946 Winner:
Herman Hesse:

Shellfish Consommé

Roasted Fillet of Reindeer with Lingon Berry Sauce

Parisian Apples

Fonds de Celery

Poached Pear with Ice Cream


Various wines


Can't pronounce anything on his menu.

1948 Winner:
T.S. Eliot

Consommé Chesterfield

Helstekt oxfilé Polignac
(a beef tenderloin dish, in case you're wondering)

Glace päron Belle Hélène
(a fancy pear ice dessert)

Various wines


Is seriously peeved there's only two kinds of booze.

1949 Winner:

William Faulkner

Crème d´Argenteuil
(cream soup from a region in France)

Gosling with Swedish Red Cabbage
Horseradish sauce

Napoleon Cake

Only two kinds of wine


Doesn't go for "Princess" anything.
1954 Winner:
Ernest Hemingway

Smoked Brown Trout


Beef Tenderloin Roast
Artichoke Princess
Fresh Mushrooms in Porto

Parisian Apples


Various wines and after dinner liqueurs


Disappointed he got french fries.

1962 Winner:

John Steinbeck

Smoked River Trout
à la Parisienne

Chicken Roasted Foie Gras with Madeira Sauce
Fried Potatoes
Seasonal Salad

with Grand Marnier
Whipping Cream

Various wines and after dinner liqueurs


Not sure avocados should ever be stuffed with salmon

1969 Winner:
Samuel Beckett


Stuffed Avocados
Moscow gourmet sauce

Beef tenderloin Roast Périgourdine

Orange sorbet  (Ed.: The low point on Nobel desserts.)

Various wines and after dinner liqueurs


Really ecstatic over the salad.

1971 Winner:
Pablo Neruda


Cold Foam
Stuffed Turbot
(Ed.: A kind of flatfish)

Champagne à l´Edlund

Roast chicken Christineberg

Grand Marnier Soufflé Ice à la Solliden
(Ed.: Solliden being the summer residence of the Swedish royal family.)

Various wines and after dinner liqueurs


There should be photos with the rest of these, but Blogger/Google is acting wonky today. It's changing fonts for no apparent reason, too. In short, formatting isn't just a's impossible today.

Thanks, Google!

1982 Winner:
Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Marinated Reindeer Fillet
Dijon Sauce

Char braised in cream dill

Nobel Perfect Ice
Petit Fours

Various wines, liquor, and coffee


1993 Winner:
Toni Morrison

Marinated Char on a Bed of Radish Salmon Eggs
Honey Vinaigrette à la Raineri
Nobel Croissant

Sirloin with Chanterelle Reindeer Forests         (Ed. O---kay?)
Butter Cabbage Terrine of Fresh Blackberries
Foam Potatoes and Sliced ​​Salsify

Nobel Ice Sailing
Sorbet Strawberries and Vanilla Parfait

Various wines, liquor, and coffee


2001 Winner:
V.S. Naipul

Lobster on Mashed Cauliflower
Frozen prawns
Samphire Salad

Stuffed with Foie Gras and Pan of Mushrooms and Dried Tomatoes
Asparagus and Mashed Chervil

Duo of Vanilla Ice Cream and Blackcurrant Perfect Meringue

Various wines, liquor, and coffee


2009 Winner:
Herta Müller

Lobster Consommé with Shellfish Tartare
Lobster and Kalix Bleak Roe

Truffle-stuffed Quail with Parsley Root
Brussels Sprouts and Port Wine Gravy

Lemon and Fresh Cheese Mousse with Sea-Buckthorn Sorbet

Various wines, liquor, and coffee


2012 Winner:
Mo Yan

Marinated Arctic Char with Cauliflower Terrine
Kalix Bleak Roe and Dill Mayonnaise

Pheasant with Chanterelle Mushrooms
Poached Pear, Winter Vegetables
Almond Potato Purée and Red Wine Gravy

Trilogy of Cherries with Pistachio-Covered Mascarpone Cheese and Black Cherry Sorbet

Various wines, liquor, and coffee

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