Thursday, August 30, 2012

Taylor Swift is holding a competition for a concert at a school, and the deaf kids are in the lead.

Taylor Swift--through promotions with various companies and blah blah blah--has a competition where people can vote for which school in the United States she'll visit to play a concert.

The Horace Mann School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Allston, MA, is currently in the lead. And leading by a marathon, too. UCLA is in second place, naturally. You can't deny the power of the Horace Mann School.

4Chan and Reddit folks are the amazing geniuses behind this, voting enough times to make sure Taylor has a captive audience.

On the plus side, Horace Mann is only a few minute jaunt from Taylor's stalking of the Kennedy family down in Hyannisport, so that works out nicely.

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