Friday, October 12, 2012

My precious, my precious! New Zealand releases Hobbit-themed currency, continues to blur line between New Zealanders and Hobbits.

As if people weren't pretty certain Bilbo Baggins was from Aukland already...

The New Zealand Post--the country's government-owned creator of currency and stamps--has developed a line of Hobbit-themed money and stamps in advance of the release of The Hobbit in theaters. Picture the American $1 bill paying homage to Star Wars with Chewbacca smiling at you instead of George Washington.

Stamps are nothing new. Money is though. While the New Zealand Hobbit currency is a little too precious to spend for dinner and a movie ($1 coins retail for $29.90 [NZ], and $10 coins are made out of pure gold, valued at $3,695 [NZ]), they are legal tender, for all debts public and private. And while most characters get some love in stamp or monetary form, the focus is heavy on Bilbo.

Gollum? Apparently a greedy monster cuts too close to home for governmental officials. He's given a stamp, but not a coin. Nor a ring for that matter.

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