Saturday, October 13, 2012

Siena College baseball player is failing Drawing class, whole world now knows.

An academic advisor at Siena College received the heads-up that one of her advisees--a baseball player with the school--was failing a class, and emailed this advisee the news. Why is this notable? Two reasons:

1.) The class was Drawing.

2.) The academic advisor emailed the wrong student--and that wrong student, a recent graduate at Siena, wrote back a delightful email about bias in academia.

Let's go to the emails, which were first published on Deadspin:

From: Picillo, Gail
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 1:48 PM
To: [name redacted]
Cc: Rossi, Tony; Duval, Matthew; Kellar, Mike; Ticson, Edward
Subject: [name redacted] - Failing Drawing Class

[name redacted],

I just received an email from Professor Ticson saying you have three incomplete assignments and are currently failing Drawing. Please contact all of us immediately to explain why this is the case. Also, you will need to set up a time to meet with Professor Ticson to develop a strategy on how to complete the assignments to possibly get partial credit.

Again, please contact me immediately about this issue.

Thank you,

Gail M. Picillo '96
Athletic Academic Advisor
Siena College

Admittedly, drawing can be difficult. I couldn't draw within the lines of a coloring book until I was at least 8 or 9 years old. I like to think it was my channeling of an inner Jackson Pollock.

Anyhow, Gail Picillo's email went to the wrong student with a similar name. This same-name student decided to reply with a little fun, CCing over a dozen people in the process.

His reply (all grammatical issues are his):
From: [name redacted]
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 8:58 PM
To: Picillo, Gail
Cc: Rossi, Tony; Duval, Matthew; Kellar, Mike; Ticson, Edward; Troy, Patrick; Pepe, Michael; Murray, John; Coleman, Joseph; Reynolds, Michael; Lacamera, Nicholas; Cook, Ryan; Decker, Matthew; Gorman, Bryan; Slaybaugh, Caitlin; Servello, Lauren; McMillan, Kristin; McQuillan, Deirdre; Malone, Julianne; Corbett, Katie; Fane, Tyler; Cifarelli, Joseph; Drown, Kevin; Drown, Sean; DeFazio, Matthew (Student, Class of 2009); DeFazio, Elizabeth; Speanburg, Wesley (Student, Class of 2009); Tasse, Benjamin (Student, Class of 2009); Kelly, Lauren; Fogarty, Michael
Subject: RE: [name redacted] - Failing Drawing Class

Good Evening Gail, Tony, Matthew, Mike, Edward, Johns, Billys, and Dusters alike,

I appreciate your concern. I really do. Your candor is undoubtedly impressive. When I was a freshman struggling aka going out 5 days a week to be clear, not really struggling, just not doing my work; I did not have 5 indivuduals like yourselves, 4 weeks into the school year to light a fire under my ass for me to get my shit done. This email and the countless others like it certainly proves how Siena College loves to coddle their STUDENT athletes. With that being said, it was very nice to hear from Siena College post-graduation, and not be hounded for a donation.

Upon reading your initial email I found it interesting and would like to know more about what "to develop a strategy on how to complete the assignments to possibly get partial credit." actually means. Last I check we are all students of the same college under the same rules with the same consequences. If one STUDENT athlete "can develop a strategy on how to complete the assignments to possibly get partial credit" why can't every STUDENT get that same opportunity. I speak for myself but I am sure every member of the class of 2012 would of liked to have someone like yourselves to light fires under our asses to get our work done.
One again it is great to see the concern for our STUDENT athletes.

Yours Truly,
[name redacted]
Townhouse 5 resident and graduating member of the class of 2012

PS Fogarty u only got cced to let u know that all members of townhouse 5 were fully employeed within 3 months of graduation

Thank You but most importantly with all of us being members of a Catholic Institution MAY GOD BLESS AMERICA

Poor Fogarty. I don't know who this jamoke is, but that's some salt in the wound right there for being unemployed still.

Also, "would of" / "would have" --can we put a stop to this snafu with writing?

Nonetheless, Gail is all business, so she replied back, deftly sidestepping most of the absurdity with the email equivalent of Ginger Rogers's dancing:

From: "Picillo, Gail"
Date: October 11, 2012 12:23:04 AM EDT
To: [name redacted]
Cc: Rossi, Tony; Duval, Matthew; Kellar, Mike; Ticson, Edward; Troy, Patrick; Pepe, Michael; Murray, John; Coleman, Joseph; Reynolds, Michael; Lacamera, Nicholas; Cook, Ryan; Decker, Matthew; Gorman, Bryan; Slaybaugh, Caitlin; Servello, Lauren; McMillan, Kristin; McQuillan, Deirdre; Malone, Julianne; Corbett, Katie; Fane, Tyler; Cifarelli, Joseph; Drown, Kevin; Drown, Sean; DeFazio, Matthew (Student, Class of 2009); DeFazio, Elizabeth; Speanburg, Wesley (Student, Class of 2009); Tasse, Benjamin (Student, Class of 2009); Kelly, Lauren; Fogarty, Michael
Subject: RE: [name redacted] - Failing Drawing Class

Hello [name redacted] and everyone,

Unfortunately [name redacted], this was an error that you received this message as it was intended for another student.

Thank you for your concern. Fortunately, the professor of this course offers all students opportunity to make up missing coursework for partial credit and is not limited to only student athletes.

I am happy to hear you have all been employed and have found great joy in the career path you have chosen.

Best of luck to you,

Gail Picillo
Athletic Academic Advisor

Well, on the bright side, at least this baseball player didn't fail phys ed. Little miracles.


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