Friday, September 21, 2012

Ten "Supersmart" Rock Musicians.

Time Magazine has a list of ten rock musicians they classify as "supersmart."

The definition of "supersmart" is vague (they earned a degree or two in college? they read music? they know how to leave a tip at a restaurant?), but that doesn't stop Time from handing out awards for supersmartness.

Dexter Holland (The Offspring), Brian May (Queen), and Tom Morello (Rage Against the Machine) are the most well-known.

While Dexter Holland has a Master's Degree, and Brian May owns a Ph.D, Morello's claim to fame is that he was "a bright student" in high school, according to Time, and went to Harvard. I'm sure his "brightness" has nothing to do with his dad being the first-ever Kenyan ambassador to the United Nations. Harvard turns a blind eye to that sort of stuff.

The rest of the list is filled with a who's who of who? Tom Scholz, Colin Greenwood, Laurie Anderson, Sterling Morrison, Robert Leonard, and John Perry Barlow round out the rest of the A+ talent.

Put another way, if you put those last folks in a band together, they'd be playing in Del Boca Vista at the local VFW hall for some poor sap's bar mitzvah.

photo: The Sun.

Yeah,'s okay to cut the hair now. 1977 has come and gone.

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