Thursday, May 26, 2011

Pennsylvania governor thinks that colleges should drill for natural gas on college quads. In other news, Pennsylvania governors are impractical.

Pennsylvania is a bit tight for cash these days. So much so that its governor, Tom Corbett, has recommended slashing aid to state colleges and universities in his state by a teenie-tiny amount. And by teenie I mean 50%. He's a glass half-full kinda guy.

But don't worry, folks! Good ol' Corbett has a solution to fix that 50% shortfall. According to the AP and Gawker, Corbett thinks six state colleges and universities should drill--on campus--for natural gas deposits that might be underground in massive shale formations. As in set up a drill site right in the middle of the school quad. You know, where you can find the Free Tibet crowd holding drum circles and a chaotic game of frisbee golf might be getting pretty cutthroat.

According to reports, such natural gas drilling through shale often leads to massive poison in its wake, such as wastewater being discharged into sources of drinking water. Mmmmm...I bet that sounds as tasty as it sounds.

Sure, this drilling-on-campus idea sounds ludicrous. But this could be a new take on modern education. The business majors can plan the project. The engineering majors can erect the drilling site. The nursing majors can treat all the illnesses that come from any potential poisoning. The criminal justice majors can look into possible lawsuits. And the English majors can write a scathing tell-all.

Everyone wins!

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