Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Small-time college wants you to know what you already know.

Beloit College came out with their annual College Mindset List for the Class of 2014. Really, it's just a couple professors with extra time on their hands. The summer months get a little slow, you know? The list showcases the various cultural things incoming college freshmen have always known that seem odd to people older than them--not including the national love affair with Snooki.

Small-time colleges always pull these sorts of stunts to gain national attention for 45 minutes some random day once a year. Lake Superior State University pulls their own stunt in late December/early January about words they choose to ban. Beloit College, as their vibrant name suggests, hears crickets 364 days a year. They're located in--wait for it, wait for it--Beloit, WI, a bustling metropolis of 35,000 people, of which we assume all work for the college in some capacity.

Some of the 75 things incoming college freshmen know we older folks take for granted?

1.) Very few of them know how to write in cursive. (I hope they know how to sign their name to cash a check. Or to at least sign it over to me.)

2.) Email is too slow, and snail mail rarely gets used. (Even slower? Blogs.)

11.) John McEnroe has never played professional tennis. (You cannot be serious!!)

12.) Clint Eastwood is better known as a sensitive director than as Dirty Harry. (Little known fact: Dirty Harry was sensitive to gun powder burns.)

18.) Fergie is a pop singer, not a princess. (But "My Humps" is a royal anthem.)

27.) They don't wear wrist watches. (Admittedly, it does leave tan lines.)

30.) "Viewer Discretion" has always been an available warning on television. (Sadly it doesn't warn people about "Two and a Half Men.")

46.) Nirvana is on the classic oldies station. (Now that's not true. My elderly musical tastes let me know this much.)

58.) Beethoven has always been a dog. (Tell me about it. That 2nd Symphony of his? He mailed it in.)

60.) WalMart has never sold handguns over the counter in the lower 48. (But feel free to practice that pistol-whipping motion in Alaska and Hawaii.)

Any day now, Southeastern South Dakota State University should be coming out with a list of the favorite books of high schoolers or the best tractor pulls in the nation. Just to fit in.

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