Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Someone threw out $1,000 worth of savings bonds with some books.

Employees at the "Never Enough Books" store in Easthampton, MA, try to make sure books don't end up in landfills.

They inadvertently just made sure they didn't throw out a small fortune, too.

According to local television station WWLP, employee Veronica Eggleston and other workers were recently combing the store's warehouse when stray pieces of paper caught her eye. The stray pieces of paper turned out to be a handful of Series EE bonds stuck to a used book. Added-up, they're roughly worth $1,000.

"[T]hat’s a lot of money. A family could certainly use that, especially now," Eggleston told the station.

There was no identifying information tied to the bonds, no names, no addresses--nothing to track down the original owners.

Which is to say that if we all get out story straight, we can pretend we lost the bonds and split the $1,000 together.

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