Saturday, August 4, 2012

Boston College professor arrested in Canada.

Canada is a peaceful, happy country. It takes a lot to get on their bad side. For example, mocking Timmy Ho's coffee or the sport of curling is one way to offend them. And they're very touchy about the way they say "aboot" and "let's go oot tonight." And don't refer to them as America's hat. Trust me--been there--they don't like that.

Another is to threaten to bomb the country's ore mines, which is what a Boston College professor allegedly did recently. It's funny how uppity a country gets when you start threatening to blow stuff up.

Professor Dominic Papineau, formerly of Canada, took five students to the Quebec/Labrador border for a geological research trip, where, according to provincial police reports, Papineau led the students in a protest of Canadian plans to develop natural resources in coming years. This Papineau is a very feisty chap, as police report his behavior started alarming his students. At some point, police arrested him when he said he was going to blow up the ore mines--but Papineau claims he was only joking.

Ore mine bombing = the future of rib tickling comedy.

Note: When protesting in front of the police, it's advisable not to try the open-mic comedy material you've been saving up.

As police arrested comedian Papineau, they also found an unlicensed hunting rifle and...wait for it, wait for it--you know it had to be coming...a bag of weed. First the Harvard professor who's an emotional wreck, now the BC professor with a jonesing for guns and bad comedy. These two need something stronger than weed.

Papineau, channeling his inner 1990s Keanu Reeves, tells the Boston Globe this whole shindig is "totally bogus." And why is that? "I was kidding. Someone misinterpreted what I said."

Yeah, man--it's not Papineau's fault that you don't understand comedy. Wait until you see his set at the Chuckle Hut next month. It's going to be killer.

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