Friday, August 4, 2017

For some reason, 4,800 libraries are getting involved in this solar eclipse craze.

Things just took a turn to sexy town.

Your lifelong dream of donning creative sunglasses and looking like a less cool Ray Charles / Bono / Roy Orbison are about to be over.

With the celestial hysteria amping up regarding the impending August 21st solar eclipse, the Space Science Institute, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and Google are collaborating with 4,800 libraries to hand out over two million free pairs of protective eyewear. I'm sure they'll look like a poor man's Ray-Bans.

That said, this map detailing the 4,800 participating locations shows that some libraries are over a thousand miles away from the narrow peak viewing strip and will hardly have much of an eclipse at all. You're apt to harm your eyes as much by looking at a sunset on a partly cloudy day. Or watching Fox News.

Speaking of bubbling hysteria, CNN is now in a partnership with Volvo to "present" the "Eclipse of The Century." Swedish auto manufacturing is a natural relationship to have with astronomy.

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