Tuesday, January 3, 2017

People are resolving to read more. Sort of.

At least one of these people wants to read more. (Maybe.)

iQuanti, a data-driven digital marketing company, combed results for the most popular resolutions for 2017 searched for on Google's search engine.

According to the results, the desire to read more was #7 on the list of most popular results. Numbers 1-through-6?

1.)  Get Healthy:  Yes, the nebulous and ambiguous "get healthy." You might believe "get healthy" to be going to the gym five days a week and eating more vegetables, while Steve in Sheboygan, WI, might be steadfast that getting healthy is a six-pack of Miller Lite and a bag of Tostitos for breakfast.

2.)  Get Organized:  It seems all of those hoarding shows on TV have scared the bejeezus out of Americans.

3.)  Live Life to The Fullest:  If you're sitting there thinking, "Yeah, but what does that actually mean on a broad scale?" Good news--you're right! It's really just a wannabe tag line to a self help book on the discount rack at Barnes & Noble.

4.)  Learn New Hobbies:  Time to give into that lifelong desire to learn macramé and papier-mâché, people!

5.)  Spend Less/Save More:  Apparently buying American Girl dolls is not a sound investment strategy.

6.)  Travel:  Going two towns over to visit the new Arby's that just opened seemingly doesn't qualify.

And this bring us to #7 on the list. Of all the things that Americans searched Google for regarding resolutions, the seventh most popular matter was to read more.

There were 4,746,560 searches about reading more. This sounds absolutely fantastic until you learn this was actually down 5.63% from last year's 5,029,790 searches.

Oh. That's sort of a downer.

Well, I guess there goes my resolution to be more positive in 2017.

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