Sunday, April 10, 2016

Oh, the Boston Globe headline wasn't really that interesting at all.

Never mind.

The Boston Globe tweeted days ago they were going to reveal today the one headline they never wanted to publish. Some people wondered. Was the paper folding? Going solely online? The moon landings were all fake? What was it?

Instead, the Globe decided to try their best impersonation of The Onion and do a satirical front page.

Strike up the Yakety Sax music, because things just became rib-tickling here!

Dated one year from now, April 9, 2017, it creates a grim view of the nation and the world under a then-President Trump. Curfews, deportations, trade wars. Let the hilarity ensue!

This is the satirical equivalent of having Chips Ahoy! say they make chocolate chip cookies just like grandma makes. Sure, it sounds fine, but we all know grandma's cookies can't be beat.

Which is why satire is left to The Onion. Leave it alone.

And leave the cookies to grandma, too.

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