Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The highest score possible on an IQ test was just achieved by an 11-year old.

This guy only had an IQ of 160.

For people under the age of 18, that's a score of 162. (Over 18? 161 is perfect. Don't ask why. ONLY GENIUSES KNOW WHY!!)

Kashmea Wahi is an 11-year old in the UK whose parents are both IT management consultants at Deutsche Bank in London. They apparently badger her to study constantly (love with a lash!), but an annoyed Kashmea knows what's up. And what's up is her IQ.

She stumbled upon the Mensa website, felt inspired, one thing led to another, and the next thing you know Wahi scored a 162, the youngest to ever score so high.

In case you were worried that Wahi might grow cocky, not all in her life is flawless. She was part of her junior school's team at the Oxford Maths challenge. They came in third place.

There's always a career as a writer, kid.

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