Monday, March 23, 2015

Auburn University professors names newly discovered version of catfish after a Star Wars character.

The fish specimen was discovered in 1998 in Brazil, analyzed in 2005, but it took until 2015 to realize it was a different species of catfish--and once realized, Auburn University professor Jonathan Armbruster knew what to name the new fish.


As in the Star Wars character Han Solo shoots dead in the Mos Eisley bar in the first movie.

"As a 7-year-old kid, I watched Star Wars in the theatre and it was a life-changing experience for me," said Armbruster to the Auburn website. "I became a lifelong fan, and I now share that with my son. Greedo has always been a personal favorite of mine."

Specifically, the formal name for the newly found catfish is Peckoltia greedoi.

But I know what you're thinking.

Why not Admiral Ackbar instead? The man is a fish.

Admiral Ackbar is not amused.

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