Saturday, May 17, 2014

The horror of learning sentence diagrams is revisited in action movie quotes.

Depending what school you attended, you either never diagrammed a sentence before, or--if you went to a Catholic grade school, like me--odds are you were habitually forced to slice and dice sentences. You were told to come to the front of the class and become a little grammatical architect, drawing lines and combining phrases on the blackboard like the literary lovechild of Frank Lloyd Wright.

Now, Pop Chart Lab has released "A Diagrammatical Dissertation on Notable Lines of Cinematic Action," showcasing the best in action movie quotes, dressed-up in diagrams the way only a nun could love.

Including quotes from Aliens, Die Hard, Passenger 57, and many others--the best action quotes start and end with Harry Callahan.

"Go ahead. Make my day."

And that's exactly what a ticked-off nun would say, too.

photo: Pop Chart Lab

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