Thursday, February 6, 2014

FIRE Report: Majority of American college campuses restrict free speech.

And that doesn't even include students trying to restrict underpants-wearing statues...

According to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), 59% of American colleges and universities restrict the fundamental right of freedom of speech granted by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

In addition, another 35% of higher education institutions 'overregulate' free speech, based on FIRE's metrics.

That means only 94% of American colleges and universities limit the basic right to disagree. Hooray, open, intellectual discussion. Hooray, education!

These restrictions cover the gamut, including denying protests on campus or limiting where protests can occur--but also to make sure a protest doesn't offend any specific group. Sounds noble not to be a jerk, right? Except extreme cases occur, such as at Athens State University in Alabama, which FIRE documents, where the school's speech policy states a restriction on "any conduct consisting of words or actions that are unwelcome or offensive to a person in relation to race, color, national origin, age, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, disability, religion, genetic information, or veteran status."

Genetic information.

That...includes everyone. Literally, every living thing on the planet. Based on this, you can't disparage the Ebola virus--a disease that indiscriminately kills nearly every innocent person it infects.

Well, thank goodness Athens State covered their bases.

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