Monday, January 27, 2014

University of Missouri is teaching a course on the friendship of Jay-Z and Kanye.

Taught by Prof. Andrew Hoberek, the English class looks at Jay and Ye from both a poetic and friendship level.

The official class description:

MWF 11-11:50
This course looks at the career and work of Jay-Z and Kanye West from three perspectives: (1) Where do they fit within, and how do they change, the history of hip-hop music? (2) How is what they do similar to and different from what poets do?, and (3) How does their rise to both celebrity and corporate power alter what we understand as the American dream?  In addition to listening to music and watching videos, we will also read Jay-Z's Decoded; histories of and critical works on rap music by Jeff Chang, Adam Bradley, and others; and one or two good studies of how poetry works.

Watching videos?? You mean we get to re-live this Kanye and Kim magic in an academic setting? (Lyrics are a little touchy, so don't blame me.)

The eyes cannot unsee what they've already seen--and I'm just talking about Kanye wearing two plaid shirts at the same time.

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