Thursday, January 2, 2014

Randomness Corner: Angela Lansbury is very proficient at rhythmic stretching.

At the height of Murder, She Wrote's popularity, Angela Lansbury was busy limbering up and giving herself aloe massages (excuse me, "may-sahhge") on VHS cassettes.

Positive Moves was like beginner Martha Stewart Living for the Jessica Fletcher set if you were really into floor stretching and rhythmic whirling.

1.) Who knew Jessica Fletcher was jacked during all those episodes of Murder, She Wrote? (0:08 mark).
2.) "I give myself a mini MAY-sahhge with aloe lotion." (0:14)
3.) She invented On-Land Swimming. (1:39)
4.) Stretching on the living room floor never looked so stationary! (2:15)
5.) Whirling Dervish dancing for beginners! (4:14)
6.) Remember! Gesticulate with authority when demanding people eat chocolate cake! (4:54)
7.) European bikes get the shaft (5:33)
8.) Don't skimp on the quality towels and oils at bath time, folks. (6:14)
9.) Angela Lansbury talks sex. It's like the Salt-N-Pepa song, except more ethereal. (6:40)

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