Thursday, December 19, 2013

Scientists send text message through the chemicals of evaporated vodka.

You have to justify that Ph.D. dissertation somehow.

Scientists at England's York University have sent a text message through the evaporated chemicals of vodka. Bunk science, you say? Not so, say scientists!

"We believe we have sent the world’s first text message to be transmitted entirely with molecular communication, controlling concentration levels of the alcohol molecules to encode the alphabet, with single spray representing bits and no spray representing the bit zero," said Nariman Farsad, a York University doctoral candidate in charge of the experiment.

That might be a scientificky way of legitimizing a vodka bender, but scientists involved with the experiment claim such chemical transmissions can aid in wireless technology.

In essence, scientists say, chemical communication is how bees and other insects and animals converse in the wild. Humanity is just harnessing the idea.

By the way, the text message scientists chose to send?

"O Canada."

Because Canadians only communicate through a vodka-induced haze.

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