Monday, November 4, 2013

Wall Street Journal has its fingers on the pulse of sports, confuses LeBron James with middle-aged statistician Bill James

Statistician Bill James is famous for creating a different worldview on how to examine the quality of individual baseball athletes (see Brad Pitt's movie Moneyball, based on the book of the same name). Besides helping revolutionize how baseball is scouted, Bill James is also an historian and writer, and was named to TIME Magazine's 100 Most Influential People in the World list in 2006.

Bill James is not LeBron James.

LeBron James is a worldly famous NBA superstar who has earned a salary of roughly $129 million in his career, not counting about $42 million annually in endorsements, which Forbes Magazine says makes him the 4th highest-paid athlete on the planet.

LeBron James is not Bill James.

This is where The Wall Street Journal gets confused. found the Journal story online suggesting LeBron, not Bill, has apparently been writing books with ties to JFK documentaries, as this screen grab shows.

Yeah, but what about Etta James and her countless books on economic theory? Where's the Journal with that?

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