Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The average college student texts 11 times per day during class.

Bernard McCoy, an associate professor of broadcasting at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln surveyed 777 students over six college campuses regarding their texting behavior while in class. The results?
  • An average student pulls out their phone, tablet, and laptop to text 11 times per day during class.
  • 86% say they use their phone to text during class.
  • 68% respond they are checking email.
  • 66% say they're using social media.
  • More than half claim they're distracted by fellow classmates texting.
  • 80% admit to missing lecture notes and instruction because of their own texting.
  • More than 1 in 4 admit they've received lowered grades because of this.
  • Only 5% believe their distraction is actually a big deal.

As McCoy says in a press release, "I don’t think students necessarily think it’s problematic. They think it’s part of their lives."

Cs get degrees, man. Cs get degrees.

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