Wednesday, November 13, 2013

University mistakenly emails entire 37,000 student body, tells them they're unenrolled.

You know when you send an email and wish you could take it back? Yeah, this is kind of like that.

Dresden University of Technology, in Germany, mistakenly emailed the entire student body that they were unenrolled. The email stated the following:

"Your logins will be locked in twelve days. This is happening because you have been unenrolled as a student, your contract is up or your guest logins are no longer valid. Please ensure you have saved any information that may be contained within these logins."

The email was sent on a Friday, but wasn't corrected until the following Monday, leaving panicked students in limbo for the entire weekend.

Kim-Astrid Magister, a university spokesperson, claimed the mistake was human error while managing a software program, and that no students were unenrolled.

Errors with computer software--at a university of technology.

Sounds like a solid education.

photo: Wikicommons

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