Thursday, October 24, 2013

University of Iowa TA accidentally emails homemade porn instead of math problem answers.

The University of Iowa math TA emailed the class the solutions for two problems that were assigned for homework.

Except she didn't attach the solutions. The TA accidentally attached a homemade porn she created online with her long distance boyfriend. Because a 7,110K file size for two math problem answers wasn't a heads-up apparently. Quantum physics offers shorter answers.

Forget the porn. The real story here is how old school our valiant TA is by still using WinZip. She might be using AOL for all we know.

"I attach"? Is she giving a present tense play-by-play of her life in the email? And why the lack of a comma after "Best"? And don't get me started on grad students and their jonesing to use "Best" habitually in emails...

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