Thursday, October 17, 2013

Famous Writers Arrested: James Frey

Much like the Famous Writers Shirtless posts, here we'll occasionally dive into mugshots of the criminally-inclined writers who found themselves in the big house.

Mugshots? Yes, please.

Today:  James Frey

James Frey loved living in the wonderful world of Xanadu when he made up a wannabe life in his 'memoir' A Million Little Pieces.

What's not Xanadu? Sitting in the cooler while the po-po takes pictures of your mug for drunk driving. James Frey was popped back in 1988 for hitting the sauce and weaving in traffic.

Was Frey attacked with a shrimp fork? No. That'd be the chickenpox, which the local sheriff's office wanted nothing to do with when they released him on bond and asked he vacate their facility.

Chickenpox! A boozer's best friend!

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