Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Cape Cod man--told class is filled--threatens to shoot students to clear some space so he can register.

Ah, college registration period. It's like a human cattle call for the middle and upper class set.

Mark Jones, of Centerville, MA, recently visited Cape Cod Community College to register for classes when, sadly, an admissions official told Jones the class he hoped to sign-up for was already full.

So Jones had a calm, measured approach to the problem. As he allegedly told the admissions official, "Well, give me the names of these students so I can shoot them to make room."

Sure thing, chief! Right on that!

Cape Cod Community College wasn't too keen on killing off some of their student body--so they reported Jones to local officials, where he was arrested and charged with threatening to commit a crime and disturbing a school assembly.

Is 'disturbing a school assembly' a crime? Really? As a ten year old I easily committed 10-to-15 crimes with shenanigans during school assembly. Does admitting this mean I'm going to jail? I swear it was largely spitball related.

photo: Barnstable Police Department

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