Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Study: Spoiled kids perform worse in college.

Spoiled kids slacking??

Sociology professor Laura Hamilton combed over databases of economic and education data and found that the more a parent blindly spends money on their child's college education the worse that child's grades will be.

According to Inside Higher Ed:

This finding backs the idea that parental financial support can act as a "moral hazard" in that students make decisions about how seriously to take their studies without having personally made the investment of cash in their educations. [...] Generally the grades were lowest for students with high levels of support from their parents at private, out-of-state and more expensive colleges.


The problem is that most parents who give a lot of money are apparently less than demanding about expectations. Then, Hamilton said, the students find college to be a great experience, and not one they are going to endanger by failing. "They say 'I want to stay there, but I'm not going to work too hard while I'm here.' They stay in college but dial down their academic effort."

Yeah, yeah, yeah, but what if you're the Nadia Comăneci of keg stands? That has to count as some sort of effort.

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